Pupils with epilepsy may have low self-esteem linked to achievement in school or emotional issues related to their condition. The following strategies may help to build confidence:

ensure all staff are aware of the pupil’s condition, Individual Health Care Plan, possible IEP and the implications of these;

encourage the pupil to make contributions to his/her IHCP and IEP and to be a part of the review process;

have a positive attitude to the pupil’s condition;

encourage the pupil to be open and share information about the condition with his/her friends, to enable them to offer support;

older pupils should be encouraged to keep a diary noting the date of any seizures, time and severity plus any pertinent facts, e.g. late night out, etc. (this information helps the specialist as well as being a learning process in self-management for the pupil);

the adult’s manner should always convey to the group that the pupil is a valued member of the class;

build on the pupil’s strengths;

reward success, academic or otherwise, with real congratulations and praise;

make all goals attainable;

display the pupil’s work;

celebrate the pupil’s successes with his/her parents;

give all pupils the same curriculum opportunities bearing in mind particular strategies noted in the Individual Health Care/Educational Plan;

staff should share knowledge of the pupil as he/she makes any transition, e.g. at the end of each academic year, describing strategies which have been effective in supporting the pupil.