Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils in Music covers the areas that all music teachers need to be aware of: recent government legislation, national initiatives and departmental policy. Individual titles then provide subject specific guidance, illustrated with case studies, on the following areas:

  • support for more able pupils with learning difficulties (dyslexia, ADHD, sensory impairment)
  • recognizing high ability or potential
  • multiple intelligences/learning styles
  • classroom provision
  • planning differentiation, extension/enrichment
  • teacher questioning skills
  • homework
  • recording and assessment
  • beyond the classroom: visits, residentials, competitions, summer schools, masterclasses, links with universities, businesses and other organizations.

For secondary teachers, subject heads of Departments, Gifted and Talented coordinators, SENCOs and LEA advisers.

chapter |22 pages

Departmental policy and approach

chapter |30 pages

Recognising high ability and potential

chapter |34 pages

Classroom provision

chapter |21 pages

Support for learning

chapter |20 pages

Beyond the classroom