You do not enter physical education teacher education as a blank canvas (Capel, 2005). Your particular view about what teachers, specifi cally physical education teachers, do as well as what physical education is (Capel and Blair, 2013) has developed over a long period of time and been shaped by numerous factors. Factors include your background and previous experiences of education generally and physical education specifi cally, and of sport, in and out of school (generally positive experiences/enjoyment and success in physical education and sport); and who you interact with: your family and friends and their interests, your teachers and coaches, your higher education institution (HEI) and school-based tutors (see, for example, Capel, 2005; Capel and Blair, 2013). As a result, each of you comes to teaching physical education with your own understandings, preconceptions and views about the subject. In turn, these are important infl uences on what and how you teach in physical education, and hence what your pupils learn. Thus, it is important to recognise that what goes on in the classroom has its roots in your views and values formed both inside and outside the classroom.