Rugby again – this article from Y Cymro not only reports on latest news from the League but also covers an organisational issue. It is written in the slightly more formal style typical of this newspaper, with certain traditional spellings maintained (for example the -af ending on adjectives – diwethaf = diwetha; and at least one example of an -nt ending: iddynt = iddyn nhw) and various instances of impersonal verb forms (e.g. cynhelir). This piece is intended to be more of a challenge in two ways: not only are the mutations not marked, but also the Geirfa gives, in most cases, not the exact words in the article but (where relevant) the more basic words from which they derive – for example, I have given not buddugoliaeth as in the headline, but buddugol, the word it is built on. I have done this not out of cruelty but as a way of encouraging you to do a bit of educated guesswork – an invaluable skill in the process of acquiring and (more importantly perhaps) remembering new vocabulary.