Redemption is a crucial concept in the Bible because God’s will and commandments are constantly being violated by humanity in the form of sin and as such, humanity is in dire need of redemption of the highest order. In the Hebrew Bible, several covenants are established and reaffirmed between God and the chosen people from Noah to Moses. Redemption is also the major theme of the most important Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur. In the New Testament, a different picture of both sin and redemption is painted. Sometimes, an entire sports career is in need of redemption. The circuit of sin, acknowledgement of guilt, appeal to proper authorities, and finally redemption, is firmly in place in the sports world as it is in religion. German philosopher, Franz Rosen Zweig, may help people make sense of justice as it relates to punishment and redemption as he rethinks the relationship between God, the world, and humans, using the Star of David.