Malinowski misdated his letters from the following through to 23 April. The dates have been changed to the correct ones.

Gusaweta 10 April 1918

As you know from my latest short note, written on a launch between Sinaketa and Kiribi, I have been somewhat in a turmoil lately, in sharp and pleasant contrast to my existence in Oburaku, where, I think, I remained too long…. Now, if I am not going ahead in anything else, I certainly have in the kula and I think of my account of it will have much more ‘body’ in it than it could have before. I am also almost sure to be able to get the kula magic, complete with translation. But of the kula later on: I want to write up all I saw and learned about it during my trip Sanaroa-Gumasila-Nabuageta-Sinaketa and give you a kind of impressionistic sketch. Apart from the inner necessity which I feel of sharing with you all I know about kula…it will be an excellent means of fixing my impressions and formulating things, while they are still fresh in my memory. I shall also more or less reconstruct my diary of the Amphletts, which I broke off on the first or second day.