Babylon 5, which ran for 110 episodes from 1994 to 1998, is remembered and respected for many things: its innovative five-year story arc; its use of groundbreaking digital effects in lieu of physical models; its overwhelming sense of optimism. The brainchild of writer and producer J. Michael Straczynski, Babylon 5 told a complex story of political intrigue, romance, and war centered around the space station, Babylon 5, inhabited by numerous alien races, and dubbed by its human creators as “the last, best hope for peace.” The series’ novel-like narrative centered around six primary races (human, Minbari, Centauri, Narn, Vorlon, Shadow), of which two of the more ancient races subtly controlled and manipulated the younger four, driving the main story conflicts between them, primarily through the ambassadors for these races on board Babylon 5.