In the statutory framework EYFS, paragraph 1.10 gives us the three main characteristics of effective learning: ‘Playing and Exploring’, ‘Active Learning’ and ‘Creating and Thinking Critically’. There are three additional subheadings in each section outlining the different ways children learn. There is now a requirement for practitioners to reflect on these in their practice. This emphasises the focus on the importance of the learning process itself. There is a still a strong focus on play and discovery as the most important way in which children learn. There is, however, more awareness based on recent research that children need to be able to self-regulate their own learning. This is a concept that involves ‘attitudes and dispositions for learning and an ability to be aware of one’s own thinking. It also includes managing feelings and behaviour’ (Tickell 2011: 87). There is a requirement for practitioners to observe the different ways in which children are learning and to foster ways to develop this.