This chapter demonstrates that the neoliberal state is a vital mechanism for financialisation to gain hegemony in civil society. The neoliberal state has sought to do this through the public sphere by persuading ordinary people that it is in their best interests to become individual subjects of finance. The chapter discusses some characteristics of hegemonic state projects through recourse mainly to the ideas of Gramsci and Poulantzas. It outlines the meaning of neoliberalism and financialisation and then shows how both are related to digital technology. Then the chapter maps out the nature of neoliberal state projects and financialised hegemonic strategies. This lays the ground to then see how these hegemonic strategies have sought to articulate a financialised common sense through public spheres in society, which insist that financial debt is an assured route to prosperity. Gilles Deleuze and Guattari usefully remark that the state transforms the public sphere in civil society.