The contemporary challenge of postmodernity draws our attention to the nature of reality and the ways in which experience is constructed.
Sensuous Geographies explores our immediate sensuous experience of the world. Touch, smell, hearing and sight - the four senses chiefly relevant to geographical experience - both receive and structure information. The process is mediated by historical, cultural and technological factors.
Issues of definition are illustrated through a variety of sensuous geographies. Focusing on postmodern concerns with representation, the book brings insights from individual perceptions and cultural observations to an analysis of the senses, challenging us to reconsider the role of the sensuous as not merely the physical basis of understanding but as an integral part of the cultural definition of geographical knowledge.

part I|38 pages

Sense and Geography

chapter 1|7 pages

Sensuous Geography

chapter 3|14 pages

The Character of Sense

part II|104 pages

Sense, Space, Place

chapter 4|20 pages

Haptic Geographies

chapter 5|21 pages

Olfactory Geographies

chapter 6|33 pages

Auditory Geographies

chapter 7|28 pages

Visual Geographies

part III|37 pages

Sense and Reality