Professor Mrinal Miri professes a kind of moral philosophy that is both broad and deep enough to spill over into a philosophy of religion as well. There is an articulation of, and a fundamental emphasis on, the spirituality of our inner life that uniquely shape his moral-cum-religious philosophical thought. This chapter focuses on the aspect of Miri's philosophy, and uses this exposition as a springboard for further speculation on the same theme in a virtue-theoretically oriented direction. Apart from talking about the virtue-epistemic principle of morality, Miri also talks, in the vein of contemporary virtue-ethical contemplation, about the moral life as a life of virtuous disposition and conduct. His virtue-ethical ideas are substantially shaped by a sensitive observation of two well-known currents of thought on the nature of the moral life, namely Aristotelian and Gandhian thoughts. The unique Gandhian notion of 'experiments with truth' connects meaningfully with the notion of 'nominal individuality'.