The People’s Liberation Army is in the third decade of a complex modernization process. The increase in speed and intensity of modernization seen since 1999 could not have been accomplished without the foundation established in the first 20 years of reform. Nevertheless, much remains to be done and, according to the PLA leadership, another 10-20 years are needed for it to reach “advanced world standards” in equipment, personnel, and training.1 For example, the 2004 Defense White Paper laid out a decades-long goal for improving the quality of PLA personnel:

In August 2003, the CMC began to implement its Strategic Project for Talented People. The Project proposes that in one to two decades, the PLA will possess a contingent of [commanders] capable of directing informationalized wars and of building informationalized armed forces, a contingent of staff officers proficient in planning armed forces building and military operations, a contingent of scientists capable of planning and organizing the innovative development of weaponry and equipment and the exploration of key technologies, a contingent of technical specialists with thorough knowledge of new-and high-tech weaponry performance, and a contingent of NCOs with expertise in using weapons and equipment at hand. The Project will be implemented in two stages. By the end of 2010, there will be a remarkable improvement in the quality of military personnel, and a big increase in the number of well-educated personnel in combat units. The following decade will witness a big leap in the training of military personnel.2