The ruin of biblical Ta˛anach is located about five miles southeast of Megiddo (see Figure 70). It is a relatively large site of around 11 acres. The identification of this tell with the biblical city of Ta˛anach is universally accepted. In the Hebrew Bible the city is mentioned a total of seven times ( Josh 12: 21; 17: 11; 21: 15; Judg. 1: 27; 5: 19; 1 Kgs. 4: 12 and 1 Chron. 7: 29 which parallels Josh 17: 11). However, there is obvious confusion in the textual traditions concerning early Israel’s relationship to this town (cf. Josh. 12: 21 with Judg. 1: 27; and Judg. 21: 25 with Num. 35: 1-8 and Josh. 13: 14, 33).