This exciting collection of primary sources on the Spanish Civil War uses military and political documents, media accounts, and contemporary propaganda to create a representative and illuminating survey of this enormously complicated event more than sixty-five years after it ended.

Structured chronologically from a full introduction which delineates the field, this book ranges from the origins of the uprising against Franco through to its turbulent aftermath. It clearly outlines key points in the conflict and highlights the little-known roles of race and gender in determining the war’s outcome.

The book also unearths many rare sources for the first time and reveals the variety of perspectives held by those immediately involved in the war. This is an ideal resource for all students of history and military history.

chapter |10 pages


Interpreting Spain's Civil War and Revolution

chapter 1|21 pages

From Republic to Civil War

chapter 2|32 pages

Men and women in arms

chapter 3|33 pages

Volcanic eruptions

Popular experiences of revolution and violence

chapter 4|31 pages

The mosaic of politics

Conflict and consensus in the Republican and Nationalist zones

chapter 5|25 pages

Spain in the international arena

chapter 6|31 pages

Race, religion and gender

chapter 7|25 pages

Political life behind the lines

chapter 8|28 pages

The tide turns

Military engagements, 1937–38

chapter 9|32 pages

The end comes

The final year of conflict, 1938–39