Decline in sexual activity, interest, and desire has been reported by a number of investigators.1-5

Advanced age has a significant negative effect on sexual desire, but there is no difference in sexual enjoyment and satisfaction between young and older persons.6 About 50% of older adults express sexual desire in the ninth decade and about 15% are sexually active.7 Pfeiffer et al8 reported that in their study 95% of the men aged 46 to 50 years had weekly intercourse, which decreased to 28% at the age of 66 to 71. Kinsey et al9 reported reduced frequency of intercourse to once every 10 weeks by age 80. Sexual activity is reported to decrease in older married couples from 53% at the age of 60 to 24% over the age of 76.10 In one study of older adults between the ages of 80 and 102 years who were sexually active, 83% of men were reported touching and caressing without intercourse, and 72% of men engaged in masturbation.11 Janus and Janus12 reported a decrease in frequency of masturbation after the age of 65 years.