Figure 2 Normal hip sonographic anatomy (coronal plane, neutral position). 1, skin; 2, subcutaneous fat; 3, gluteus medius muscle; 4, intermuscular septum; 5, gluteus minimis muscle; 6, acetabular cartilaginous rim; 7, acetabular limbus; 8, articular capsule; 9, osseo­ cartilaginous border of femoral neck; 10, greater trochanter; 11, osseous acetabulum; 12, acetabular roof (ilium); 13, cartilaginous femoral head; 14, triradiate cartilage; 15, ossification nucleus of the femoral head

Figure 3 Coronal - neutral sonogram of the hip at the midacetabular level. Open arrow, iliac wing; arrowhead, osseous acetabulum; arrow, cartilaginous acetabulum; m, femoral metaphysis; G, gluteus medius; g, gluteus minimus; L, labrum; N, ossification nucleus of the femoral head

Figure 4 Morphologic sonographic evaluation of the hip. (a) anatomic landmarks; (b) alpha angle; (c) beta angle

Table 2 Sonography of the hip: dynamic standard minimum examination17


1. The hip should be examined at rest and when stressed.