Energy reserve is an important national strategic

demand. Rock salt is selected as an ideal energy re-

serve medium for its low-permeability and fine

creep behavior. Also, rock salt chambers in the deep

underground are widely recognized as a means of

energy reserves internationally. At present, large-

scale constructions of underground energy reservoirs

in rock salt have been carried out in China. Although

rock salt reserves have better performance in safety,

suitability and durability than other underground

medium for energy reserves, catastrophic accidents

such as surface subsidence, leak of oil and gas, cavi-

ty collapse, volume losing and so on, which lead to

harmful effects on the environment, human and the

safe operation of reservoirs which occurred in the

past thirty years via the usage of underground ener-

gy storages in rock salt (Yang et al. 2009). So, it is

significant to analyze the risk of underground gas re-

serves and study the variation of its reliability in a

total life cycle.