Many would struggle to speak the words ‘global justice’ without a sense of indignation. Both the global order and international law are constituted and beset by, as well as actively shape, plural, ongoing conflicts and struggles in which social actors and institutions attempt to realise differing visions and ideas of social and economic justice. Over the course of the 20th century, liberal states of Western Europe and North America held out a promise of ‘social justice’ built upon the ideas of social liberalism and social democracy. Neoliberal rationality disregards and tramples upon all other modes of human self and social understanding, it actively erases all other ways of thinking and being together, and it attempts to decimate egalitarian approaches to organising social, economic and political affairs. Over the course of the 20th and early 21st centuries global constitutional struggle has led to the creation of a global liberal order and the emergence of a fragile neoliberal global constitutional order.