In the Preface of this book, the aims and overall structure of the book were discussed, together with an explanation of why the book was considered necessary and who the intended reader was expected to be. Against this background, Chapter 1 begins with a consideration of the writing challenges that non-native dissertation students can encounter and why this may be the case. The chapter then proceeds to outline the approach that is taken in this book to help supervisors address the writing challenges of their non-native students. It explains that the provision of pre-writing advice and post-writing feedback are the two key ways in which supervisors typically instruct students about what is expected of them in the writing of their dissertation. Advice and feedback are discussed in terms of (1) what is meant by each of these approaches, (2) who gives the advice and feedback, (3) when the advice and feedback are given and (4) the content of the advice and feedback that is typically given. Thus the aim of this introductory chapter is to establish the type of content that the following chapters will provide.