The advice that is given to students about the type of content that is relevant to each of their chapters and the dissertation abstract depends on the purpose or functions of each chapter. If students have consciously noticed what other doctoral students have covered in their dissertations, they may have quite a good idea of the content areas expected. However, it is best to not assume anything and find out what they know in face-to-face meetings before they start to write each chapter. In these meetings, we discuss (1) their understanding of the purposes or functions of the chapter they are about to write and (2) their understanding of the types of content that will enable them to meet the purposes/functions that have been discussed. It is more often the case that students have only a partial understanding of the content areas that are typically expected. Thus, supervisors need to be prepared to articulate what they expect their students to include in each chapter. This may include a discussion of handout materials or the provision of references to various resources.