After the fall of the communist government in April 1992, the resistance entered a new stage of struggle, this time attempting to seize power on a national level. Up to this point all resistance parties, despite not having a common leadership, shared the common cause of overthrowing the communists and driving the Soviets out of Afghanistan. From this time on a new stage of vicious accountability based on ethnic and religious ‘indebtedness’ began. This chapter is also the continuation of the discussion of the resistance’s last two phases, the internecine war amongst the Islamists and then between the remnants of the Islamists and the Taleban. The vested interests of Pakistan and Iran, with money and arms from America, Saudi Arabia and the Soviets for the two opposing sides helped the resistance from its embryonic stage to its later development. It was during those years that the resistance acquired the training, experience and resources for the destructive war that was to follow amongst them.