The ‘brave new world’ of neoliberalism has been battered by the crises of South

East Asia and other countries, and by the protests in Seattle, Genoa and else-

where, even in the public opinion of Western countries. Hardly a politician or

corporate executive can mount a public podium without speaking of the pro-

blems and dangers of capitalist globalization, although as a rule they append the

corollary that nevertheless ‘there is no alternative’. This much is clear, however:

while the critique of neoliberal globalization in general, and of certain actors in

particular, is enjoying increasing attention in the media, and networks like Attac

use it quite cleverly, there are few changes to the general structural transforma-

tions in train or in neoliberal power relations. It would, of course, be nonsensical

to lay this at the feet of a new, and still developing movement. It is nevertheless

necessary to register the dangers and dead-ends which may lie ahead.