Based on this function, this construction has two constraints: i) The bF-Obj., which is also the object of the verb, must be a specific, i.e. definite, noun phrase, such as Ҫⱘ㤊ᵃ tAde chábBi ‘his tea cup,’ or 䙷ᴀк nèi-bGn-shE ‘that book,’ etc. Quantified noun phrases, such as ϔϾ㤊ᵃ yC-ge-chábBi ‘one tea cup’ or Ѩᴀк wJ-bGn-shE ‘five books,’ cannot be used as the bF-Obj. since quantified noun phrases are indefinite in Mandarin (see §37); ii) The verb of the bF construction must be a transitive action verb. Certain verbs

that express motion, emotion, cognition, or existence, such as those in 9c, are therefore incompatible with the bF construction.