Sitting Bull was born near the Missouri River in 1831 and served as war chief and holy man for the Hunkpapa tribe in the Sioux federation of plains Indians. He later became Supreme Chief over all the Sioux tribes and led their resistance to White peoples’ incursions into their traditional domain in what eventually became North and South Dakota, and parts of Montana and Wyoming. He epitomized the four Sioux virtues of a Sioux man-bravery, fortitude, generosity, and wisdom. He was feared and respected by all plains Indians and admired by all the Sioux. One of his opponents, General Nelson Miles, described Sitting Bull as a thinking, reasoning leader who was a strong warrior with great infl uence. Journalists who interviewed him described him as a powerful leader whose leadership came from wisdom with unshakable principles and conviction. His words were repeated throughout the Sioux camps, and he continued to fi ght for Indian rights throughout his life.