The potential technology that has received a great deal of international attention is carbon capture and storage (CCS). The carbon capture and storage are remedial and the geoengineering, nuclear power, and renewable energy systems are preventative. While nuclear power is considered by many as a transition fuel away from reliance on fossil fuels, the ultimate goal must be to convert global energy use to renewable sources. The threat to global sustainability appears to rest on three variables: rising population, increasing industrialization and wealth, technological innovations. International Energy Agency(IEA) assessment examines several case studies to determine the ability of any one national grid to accommodate renewables using dispatchable plant, storage, interconnection and demand-side management. The cumulative impact of the myths of sustainability poses particularly difficult challenge to human ingenuity in search of a sustainable future. The results of the Industrial Revolution were dramatic, allowing a remarkable increase in wealth and standard of living among the industrializing nations of the world.