INTRODUCTION Project-based science has several features, one of which is establishing relevance to students’ lives (Krajcik et  al., 2000). Science instruction should have children exploring solutions to questions (NRC, 2000, 2012). PBS calls for a question or problem that children will fi nd relevant

to their lives. By relevant we suggest meaningful and important to learners (Krajcik & Blumenfeld, 2006; Rivet & Krajcik, 2008). One of the primary ways in which we establish relevance is by the use of a driving question (Krajcik & Mamlok-Naaman, 2006). Driving questions meet the learning and motivational needs of all students (Haberman, 1995; Lee et al., 2006) and, therefore, are critical for creating learning environments for both boys and girls as well as for children from diff erent cultures and races. Another way to establish relevance is to show how what students are learning is connected to real-world issues.