I have already introduced the concept of a pornographic public sphere, a culture in which people have no secrets and everything is laid bare. Here, we consider bare bodies, as we have begun to do in our discussion of online dating. We have noticed that people who use online dating sites, including Craigslist, traffi c in amateur pornographic self-representation, especially of their erections and their shaved parts. By pornographic culture I mean a culture of all oversharing, but especially the kind of oversharing represented by pornography and the naked profi le photos found on certain dating sites. Pornography functions here both as a metaphor for oversharing and as a literal kind of oversharing-the oversharing of the sexual activity that many men and some women view on the Internet and in videos. Although we have few systematic data on how many people watch porn, a recent Australian survey fi nds that 30 percent of women admit to watching porn as compared to 70 percent of men who watch (Lee 2010).