One of the things which I know to be true of myself is that I am a slow starter. This is not a self-fulfilling prophecy, it is simply the way things are. Childhood trauma set me back; I was mesmerised by painful experiences and transfixed into a kind of psychic immobility. Jung believed that only the wounded physician heals – meaning that people who are wounded are fated to have to deal continually with their own inner life and unconscious, which may enable them to contribute to others’ healing. My journey in life has involved learning where I was wounded and what the wounding meant. I wasted a lot of time in the futile hope that some external source would assist. Eventually I reached the inescapable conclusion that I would have to take personal responsibility for my own healing. I needed an energy to help me help myself, and I finally found this in the form of experiential adult education. I owe a large debt of gratitude to the Diploma and Master’s degree in Counselling at the University of Bristol. Those experiences provided an impetus to speed up changes, which involved a synthesis of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing.