Adams (DC) The head boy at Doctor Strong’s school in Canterbury, where David Copperfield was a pupil. ‘He looked like a young clergyman, in his white cravat, but he was very affable and good-humoured.’ (16, 18)

Adams, Captain (NN) One of Lord Frederick Verisopht’s seconds in his fatal duel with Sir Mulberry Hawk. The other second was Mr Westwood. (50)

Adams, Jane (SYC) The little housemaid’s friend, who ‘comes all out of breath to redeem a solemn promise of taking her in, under cover of the confusion, to see the breakfast table spread forth in state, and – sight of sights! – her young mistress [Miss Emma Fielding] ready dressed for church [for her wedding to young Mr Harvey].’ (‘The Young Couple’)

Adams, Mr (HD) Mr Sampson’s clerk in the Life Assurance Office.