Macey, Mr and Mrs (CS) A mine-owner and his wife (Miss Maryon’s sister), who live on Silver-Store Island. (‘The Perils of Certain English Prisoners’)

Mackin, Mrs (SB) A slipshod, vituperative woman, who has two flat-irons to pawn. (‘Scenes: The Pawnbroker’s Shop’)

Macklin, Mrs (SB) A woman who lives at No. 4 in a London street and screams out ‘Muffins!’ to the passing muffin-boy. (‘Scenes: The Streets – Night’)

Macmanus, Mr (RP) A midshipman on the Halsewell. (‘The Long Voyage’)

MacStinger, Mrs (DS) Captain Cuttle’s irascible landlady, who is a widow with three children: Charles (known as Chowley), Juliana and Alexander. She ‘resorted to a great distance every Sunday morning, to attend the ministry of the Reverend Melchisedech Howler’ for ‘ladies and gentlemen of the Ranting persuasion’. Mrs MacStinger hunts the Captain down when he secretly leaves his lodgings at Number Nine, Brig Place to live at the Wooden Midshipman. But Cuttle’s friend, Captain Bunsby, temporarily subdues her. Nevertheless, she soon gains the upper hand over Bunsby, whom she forces to marry her, much to Captain Cuttle’s consternation. ‘One of the most frightful circumstances of the ceremony to the Captain, was the deadly interest exhibited therein by Juliana MacStinger; and the fatal concentration of her faculties, with which that promising child, already the image of her promising parent, observed the whole proceedings.