The 1960s was for Kohut a period of synthesis, integration and growing confidence. He sharpened the focus of his overriding triad of interests - metapsychology, narcissism and method of investigation in psychoanalysis - and they became the new lenses through which he viewed old understandings. During the 1960s Kohut wrote three major papers from his newly developing perspective: 'Concepts and Theories of Psychoanalysis' (Kohut and Seitz 1963), 'Forms and Transformations of Narcissism' (Kohut 1966) and 'The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorders: Outline for a Systematic Approach' (Kohut 1968). In this chapter I discuss these papers as well as Kohut's introduction to his seminal monograph Analysis of the Self(1971), which I include here because it provides a bridge between the three papers and the remainder of Analysis of the Self(1971), which I discuss in Chapter 5.