Planning and Observation for Children under Three is one of a series of three books providing supportive and accessible material for those who work with the very youngest age range, from birth to three years. The premise for all three books is twofold; all babies and young children under three are 1) social beings and 2) competent learners from birth. The other two titles in the series are:

The books are designed for all early years professionals and adults working with babies and children under three in their early years settings who are seeking ideas on how to optimise best practice using the space and resources they have available to them. The books explore some of the theories and principles behind good practice in each of the title areas outlined. Planning and Observation for Children under Three includes examples from practice, and exercises for readers, as well as a chapter with suggestions for reviewing setting practice, including staff development. The series is written from the perspective of the early years practitioner as someone who is in a privileged position to work with children from birth to three; someone who is able to see and respond to each child they encounter as the idiosyncratic individual that they inevitably are. Thus how can the early years practitioner working with such a perspective best meet every child’s needs? How can every child be best supported as they evolve and develop to make sense of the world around them?