Risk and danger to the personal security of the researcher is an issue gaining greater

recognition within the social sciences (Renzetti and Lee 1993; Lawrinson and Harris

1994; Lee 1995). Renzetti and Lee (1993: 5), for example, emphasise that research can

be threatening to the researcher as well as the participants and that researchers may be

placed in situations in which their personal safety is jeopardised. However, to date

researchers encountering and negotiating danger in the conduct of studies have been

reliant on their own experience, judgement and common sense, a situation which is far

from ideal for funding bodies, academic institutions, grant holders or indeed for those

who actually conduct the fieldwork. Safeguards and precautions can be built into any

research strategy but more attention needs to be given to how this is done and how ad

hoc risk is dealt with in the field.