If risk is an accepted element of fieldwork then it should be included as part of early

instruction on research and students should be taught to evaluate risk consciously. By

acclimatizing students to a continuum of fieldwork that may range from what they find

‘slightly’ risky to situations that approximate more risky environments I believe they

are helped to recognize the ways in which risk can inform their understanding of the

topic under study. It was not until I began to think more about how to teach social

research methods that I began to evaluate the usefulness of risk and danger in research

in a more comprehensive manner. Risk can be a part of pedagogy in at least the

following ways. First it may be used as a short-term confrontation of personal ideas or

beliefs. It may also be used as a vehicle for focusing the intensity of research. Third, it

can function as a way of giving students (undergraduate or graduate) their first

conscious evaluation of the risk and danger of ethnographic research.