G Gate deities of the Underworld Royal tombs at Thebes and funerary papyri of courtiers present a vivid picture of the Egyptian Underworld - known as 'Duat'. For pharaohs the illustration of the unhindered and safe passage of the sun-god through Duat was paramount since the monarch himself was envisaged as being among the deities in the solar entourage. In the case of officials the Underworld's perilous regions had to be traversed without injury to reach Paradise. For both sun-god and nobleman it was necessary to negotiate pylons or gates along the route. Ferocious guardian deities threatened to annihilate those approaching to enter the portals. Superiority, however, could be gained over these gods through the magical power concomitant with knowing their secret names. The following is a synopsis of how these hazardous gateways and their associated deities were imagined both for the sun-god and royalty, and for courtiers.