Nouns like femina belong to the first group (or declension), servus and vinum belong to the second declension. There are five declensions in all. You have already met many nouns from the third and fourth declensions, and a few from the fifth:

Singular 3rd declension 4th declension 5th declension

nom. various -us (n. -0) -es acc. -em (n. -us) -um (n. -0) -em gen. -is -Os -ei/-el dat. -I -UI (-0) -el/-el abl. -e (-I) -0 -e


nom. -es (n. -a) -Os (n. -ua) -es acc. -es/-is (n. -a) -Os (n. -ua) -es gen. -urn -uum -erum dat. -ibus -ibus -ebus abl. -ibus -ibus -ebus

For the all the declensions, see pp. 146-147. On pp. 159-163 there is a summary of the different uses of the cases, followed on p. 164 with an index of endings: this index gives all possible functions an ending can imply.