Across the globe, over the last three decades there has been a dramatic increase in the numbers of researchers in geographical education and their output is evidenced in bibliographies, books and theses, research conferences and symposiums, and articles in research journals. A brief glance at the British bibliography (Foskett and Marsden 1998) and the more recent internet bibliography produced by the National Council for Geographic Education (2000) in the United States indicates clearly the range of topics that have attracted the interest of researchers and demonstrates a variety of research methods. It is important that research reported in languages other than English should not be ignored and examples of such writing include the work of John Chi-Kin Lee (1998) in Chinese, Hannele Rikkinen (1997, 1998a and 1998b) in Finnish and Juan-Luis Klein and Suzanne Laurin (1999) in French. Many others could be quoted.