The basis for any form of rethought planning for new times is the question of difference. This is both ontological and normative – difference exists and is increasing and we should be concerned with difference as a political goal. However, there is a danger in worshipping difference for its own sake and, in doing so, slipping into the individualism that characterises neo-liberalism. Two issues related to difference arise from using postmodern social theory as a basis for a rethought planning. First, is the need to integrate an adequate macro understanding of difference that was addressed above. The second concerns the need to balance questions of difference with that of consensus or the need to act. As Haber puts it, the question is

whether empowerment is possible in a postmodern world built upon the

precepts of post-structuralism which insists everywhere on difference and the

illegitimacy of the subjective position (1994: 113).