Electrical impulses are required to synchronise the four pumping

chambers. The atria are electrically isolated from the ventricles by a

fibrous atrioventricular separation. The impulse originates in the sino-

atrial (SA) node, travels across the atrial musculature towards the

atrioventricular (AV) node, thence down through the bundle of His to

the ventricles via the right and left bundles and into the Purkinje

system (Figure 1). The SA node has an inherent rate of approximately

70 beats per minute and is under autonomic and chemical hormonal

influence. The inherent rate of the AV node is lower, at 60 beats per

minute, and the ventricles will beat in isolation at approximately 40

or less beats per minute. The electrical impulse, having reached the

ventricular musculature, then travels outwards from the endocardium

to the epicardial surface. The electrical current is produced by a

From the sinoatrial node across the atrial = sinoatrial atrioventricular node; H = bundle of His; RV = right ventricle; LV = left ventricle; RB = right = right atrium; LA = left atrium; SLB = superior left bundle; ILB = inferior left bundle.