The words Popularity and Realism therefore are natural companions. It is in the interest of the people, the broad working masses, that literature should give them truthful representations of life; and truthful representations of life are in fact only of use to the broad working masses, the people; so that they have to be suggestive and intelligible to them, i.e. popular. None the less these conceptions need a thorough clean-up before being thrown into sentences where they will get smelted and put to use. It would be a mistake to treat them as fully explained, unsullied, unambiguous and without a past. (‘We all know what’s meant by that, no need for hair-splitting.’) The German word for ‘popular’, Volkstümlich, is itself none too popular.1 It is unrealistic to imagine that it is. A whole series of words ending in turn need handling with care. One has only to think of Brauchtum, Königstum, Heiligtum,2 and it is well known that Volkstum3 too has a quite specific ceremonious, sacramental and dubious ring which we cannot by any means overlook. We cannot overlook it, because we definitely need the conception of popularity or Volkstümlichkeit.