Scholar, theologian and philosopher, Martin Buber is one of the twentieth century's most influential thinkers. He believed that the deepest reality of human life lies in the relationship between one being and another. Between Man and Man is the classic work where he puts this belief into practice, applying it to the concrete problems of contemporary society. Here he tackles subjects as varied as religious ethics, social philosophy, marriage, education, psychology and art. Including some of his most famous writings, such as the masterful What is Man?, this enlightening work challenges each reader to reassess their encounter with the world that surrounds them.



chapter 1|45 pages


chapter 2|52 pages

The Question to the Single One (9)

Responsibility is the navel-string of creation.—P.B.

chapter 3|25 pages


chapter 4|17 pages

The Education of Character

chapter 5|105 pages

What is man?

Ne connaîtrons-nous jamais l'homme?—Rousseau

chapter |4 pages

Translator' Notes