These occasional papers numbered between three and seven a year and were combined with periodic membership lists and, from 1908, an account of the Annual Anniversary Meetings and Dinners. They were distributed free to members. Extra copies were available at 1/-. For non-members they cost 2/6d. This arrangement, which continued until the end of 1913, did not constitute a journal. The response from the overseas membership to Council’s request, however, was such that it was obvious that their contributions would expand considerably the current printed papers. The Secretary, Miss Hughes, was asked whether she would undertake the editing of such a journal, the first time that term was used. This agreed upon, the first issue was launched in early 1914 under the title Journal of the Central Asian Society. Its opening article was A Visit to Mongolia by E. Manico Gull. This was followed by several pages headed ‘Notes and News’. Items carried varied from ‘Captain F. M. Bailey’s Latest Exploration’, to ‘China’s Coal Supply’ to ‘Turkish Boy Scouts’. Also included were lists of ‘Recent Books on the East’ and ‘Publications of the Central Asian Society’.