In addition to the angiographic data, the clinical follow-up is very encouraging with no death or myocardial infarction. Importantly, there were no significant differences in baseline demographics between the SES and bare stent groups, and all procedures were carried out in the same center by the same operators. The restenosis rate for bare stents is inversely related to the post-procedural MLD and the number of stents utilized.128 In the present study population, although the mean diameter of stent used was significantly greater in the bare stent cohort (related to a maximum available SES diameter of 3.0 mm), with free utilization of post-dilatation, the post-procedural MLD was not significantly different between the 2 groups. All events in both groups related to TVR, and at one year, there was a significantly higher rate of survival-free of major adverse events of 96.4% in the SES group versus 82.8% in the bare stent group.