Modern Tunnel incision cataract surgery (TICS), as it should be called rightly, offers safety, consistency, stability and quick rehabilitation. Small incision cataract surgery is a misnomer, as ‘small’ is always bigger than ‘smaller’! Moreover, the two most important advents in modern cataract surgery is the synthesis of the TUNNEL and CCC. The technique of Cataract surgery has progressed rapidly and would continue to change. Today’s technology dependent surgery has its benefits as well as high costs, long learning curve and big list of consumables. At this time it is going through a refinement phase, to further improve the safety features. On the other hand, Surgeons all over the world continue to develop simpler, friendly and elegant surgeries that are cost-effective and yet provide the highest quality results anatomically and functionally. Trend to switch over to sutureless cataract surgery technique has caught on everyone. The advantages are safety, quick rehabilitation, least complications and stable vision.