When the Captain-Major returned to continue the war, in which there was never a pause, he perceived that Lafetá was a large and wealthy place, and the port whence many vessels laden with men and provisions passed over from the continent to replenish the Persian encampment; he therefore sent Balthezar de Chaves to attack it with a force of 800 Portuguese in 20 galliots together with Miragonadim and 700 Ormuzians in 30 terranquins; when the Armada was provided with all the necessary things for its purpose, he wrote to the Captain of Ormuz of the measures he had taken, and lest the Persians should attack the fortress seeing so potent an armada leave it, he ordered the Captain to send him all the Portuguese soldiers that he could spare wherewith to garrison the Fortress until the Armada should return, and he wrote the same to the King of Ormuz, and they both assisted him with the best men they had, because these volunteered without being compelled to go.