A. Usual Abbreviations a. articulus ACFEB Association catholique française pour

l’étude de la Bible adv. adversus anath. anathema anon. anonymous Apos. Const. Apostolic Constitution ap. apud (according to) ARCIC Anglican-Roman Catholic Interna-

tional Commission arg. argumentum art. article BHK Biblia Hebraica, ed. Kittel BHS Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia bibl. includes a bibliography c. circa CADIR Centre pour l’analyse du discours re-

ligieux, Lyon can. canon CEPOA Centre d’étude du Proche-Orient an-

cien, Louvain ch(ap). chapter COE Conseil œcuménique des Églises (see

WWC) col. column coll. collection comm. Commentum, commentary concl. conclusio d. distinctio Decr. Decretal diss. dissertatio dub. dubium ed. edidit, editio ed. editor ep. epistula(e), letters f next verse (biblical citations) ff two following verses (biblical cita-

tions) FS Festschrift GA Gesamtausgabe

gr. Greek GS Gesammelte Schriften GW Gesammelte Werke hb, hebr. Hebrew hom. homily l. liber lat. latin lect. lectio MA Middle Ages ms. manuscript mss manuscripts n. note/numerus NT New Testament O.P. Order of Preachers (Dominicans) O.S.B. Order of Saint Benedict (Bene-

dictines) OC Œuvres complètes; Complete Works Op. Opera (Works) OT Old Testament par. parallel passages (in synoptic gospels) Ps.- Pseudoq. quaestio qla quaestiuncula quod. quodlibet quod sic videtur quod sic resp. responsio, solutio sess. session SIDC Société internationale de droit cano-

nique S.J. Societatis Jesu (Jesuits) Sq sequen(te)s, and following SW Sämtliche Werke syr. syriac tract. tractatus v. verse Vulg. Vulgate, Latin version latine of the

Bible, by Jerome vv. verses WWC World Council of Churches WW Werke Ia Iiae Thomas Aquina, Summa Theologiae,


prima secundae, first part of the second part

IIa Iiae Ibid., secunda secundae, second part of the second part

LXX Septuagint, Greek version of the Hebrew Bible

B. Biblical Texts The Hebrew and Greek transcription of biblical texts come from the Concordance de la Traduction œcuménique de la Bible.