More than any other contemporary theologian, Hans Urs von Balthasar encouraged theology* to rediscover the vital essence of its strictly scientific thinking. No one has been more insistent about the need to recover the long-lost unity of theology and holiness*, in the sense of a full and total opening of the spirit to God*’s revelation*. Guided by Anselm*, Balthasar understood how important to an authentic theology was the adoratio of one who understands with all his powers of reason* that the mystery* is beyond understanding. The invitation of Dei Verbum to make “Scripture* . . . the soul of theology” (DV 24) is applicable to little 20thcentury theology. Even though Balthasar often preferred to take account of the four senses of Scripture rather than following the strict rules of historical and critical exegesis*, the reader of his work is nonetheless offered an intimate engagement with the Bible*.