The next place most remarkable in the road wherein we travelled was the city called by the Spaniards La Puebla de los Angeles, the City of Angels. To the which we were desirous to go, knowing that in it there was a convent of Dominicans of our profession, not having met with any such since the day we departed from St John de Ulhua. Here we refreshed ourselves at leisure three days, finding ourselves very welcome to our own brethren, who spared nothing that was fit for our entertainment. We visited all the city, and took large notice of it, judging of the wealth and riches of it not only by the great trading in it, but by the many closters both of nuns and friars which it maintaineth, such being commonly very burdensome to the places where they live, an idle kind of beggars who make the people believe the maintaining of them is meritorious and saving to their souls, and that their prayers for them is more worth than the means and sustenance which they receive from them. Of these there is in that city a very great cloister of some fifty or threescore Dominicans, another of more Franciscans, another of Augustines, another of Mercenarians, another of Discalced Carmelites, another of Jesuits, besides four of nuns.