The official head of the residual Jewish state was Hyrcanus II, the elder son of Alexander Jannaeus and Salome Alexandra, in his role as High Priest (without a royal title). His younger brother Aristobulus II (together with his sons Alexander and Antigonus) did not, however, resign themselves to defeat in the struggle for power. An initial bid was made in 57 BCE by Alexander, who had escaped while being taken as a captive to Rome. The immediate cause was apparently the policy of restoration introduced by the new Roman governor Gabinius, who single-mindedly forced through the reconstruction and resettlement of the Greek cities destroyed by the Hasmoneans, and Alexander Jannaeus in particular. However, Alexander soon had to surrender in the fortress of Alexandrium, from where he was allowed free passage on condition that he surrender the Hasmonean fortresses of Hyrcania, Machaerus and Alexandrium.