Parapsychology is the study of psychic phenomena, that is, the exchange of information or some other interaction between an organism and its environment, without the mediation of the senses. This includes mind to mind communication such as telepathy and movement of matter by mind which is referred to by parapsychologists as psychokinesis. Naturally occurring psychokinesis, known as recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis in the field, is associated with phenomena such as poltergeists. Different sorts of scientists are engaged in investigating psi experiences. Parapsychology is an interdisciplinary field and has attracted physicists and engineers as well as psychologists. By the 1930s parapsychologists had turned their attention to the laboratory and the control offered by experiments. Milan Ryzl, the Czech experimenter who worked with Stepanek, had the idea of what has subsequently come to be known as the majority vote technique. Research suggests that some populations appear to be more gifted at psychic tasks than others.